The best baby gift ever is just a click away!
As with Linus in Peanuts, a baby blanket is a perfect baby shower gift to give that is full of love and thoughtfulness. Having it personalized is even nicer. For those with more formal tastes and preferences, monogrammed baby linen would give that sense of tradition. While those with eclectic tastes and full of adventurous spirit, baby shower gift baskets, wall art for the nursery room, personalized baby gift items are just some of the baby gift ideas that you could give. Each baby gift suggestion can be found in www.best-baby-gift-guide.com where they give a fine description to each item.
Baby gift baskets come in all shapes and sizes and they speak of your thoughtfulness for putting it all together. Baby gift baskets are so unique because you can personalize it, make it blue or a pink basket depending on the gender of the baby, you can make a gourmet basket, or a food baby basket or even a baby bath gift basket. There are a lot of ideas you can think of to make it a unique baby gift.
Another good site that you can visit is www.babyshowers.info where they list all the possible things and other necessary equipment that the baby might possibly need. This site narrows down your choices since it would constrain you to search for items that are within your budget for those budget conscious spenders. Each item is under a heading such as clothing, nursery, bedding, meal time, play time, keepsake, jewelry and other items. If you have the funds, why not start the baby in a starter savings account? The receiving parents would surely appreciate this baby gift that would start their baby in his or her million dollar goal at 12 years old!
A click at www.enactwi.org for those who are into the environment or into organic stuff suggest some baby gift ideas you can give as they are easy to make since the materials used are very accessible in stores and groceries.
Visit www.kiddiegiftidea.com to find an extensive choice of baby gift stuff that you can never go wrong with. Its product index extends to more than two pages to view all of its offering so there are a lot of items to choose from.
Baby gifts are the best when the gift-giver poured love and attention to give that very special baby gift. It is not that difficult to look and search for baby gifts as some would think. It is just a matter of creativity and time to think what the baby might need or use in the future. There are other web sites and web links that you can visit and find other good ideas for that perfect baby gift to give away. There are also web blogs of parents that provide not only gift ideas but other concerns regarding on how to take care of your baby better.
Reading activities
glued to monitors or television screens, the importance of developing a
passion for reading cannot be overlooked. Reading is a habit and should be
established when the child is relatively young. What can you do to foster
this habit?
Enroll your child for reading classes:
There are many well structured after school reading classes that aim to
draw the children to books. They help kids with diction, idioms and
phrases. For young children, these classes can be fun with animated
characters and pictures. Illustrated picture books, rhymes, silly songs
and pretend stories all attract the young child. Use creativity to capture
the child's vivid imagination.
Pique your child's interest:
If your child has a favorite character, pick a series of books that
features this character. For my son, it was Spiderman. Thanks to friendly
neighborhood spidey, my son latched on to comics fairly early in his
Build a home-library:
A skill like reading cannot be learnt in isolation. Do not leave all the
hard work to the after school program. Pick up books that you think your
child will like. The Internet is also a rich resource of reading games
that will attract little children to the fine art of reading.
(word count 216)
What is Homeschooling
one or more children of not more than 2 families are instructed by
parents or legal guardians, or a member of either household. The
laws that define homeschooling vary from State to State. The legal
requirements for establishing a homeschool also vary with the
For most children, the actual process of learning begins much
before school. Many children already know their alphabets, the
names of animals, colors and other more complicated stuff before
they reach school. This is mostly due to the hard work of a member
of the family who has taken the time to teach the child.
Homeschooling is just a natural progression from here. Instead of
sending their children to a public school, parents make their own
curriculum and teach their children in ways that best suit the
child. This is homeschooling, in its most simplistic form.
Before you decide to go in for homeschooling, there are certain
important matters for consideration. First off, meet with parents
of other homeschoolers. Find out the pros and cons of
homeschooling. Then ask yourself why you would want to adopt this
method. This is a very important aspect, as the success of the
program depends on the clarity and sincerity of your purpose.
Next, it is time to consider the expenses of homeschooling. It may
cost anywhere between a few hundred dollars to a few thousand
every year. More importantly, you are also effectively shutting
out any job opportunity for one of the parents. It is only obvious
that one parent will have to stay at home full time to manage the
homeschool. A home-based business however is a great alternative.
Are you qualified to take on homeschooling for your children?
Teaching is a continuation of your own learning process. With the
advent of the internet, information is aplenty. There are various
books and resources for those interested in homeschooling. Go
through the various methods of homeschooling and choose one that
is most suited to you. It helps if you know what kind of learning
style your child has. Also, find out what your child feels about
homeschooling before you start.
Every state has its own laws regarding homeschooling. For
instance, in North Carolina, you must first file a 'Notice of
Intent' to start a home school. In this you have to mention if the
school is a 'Private church' school or a 'qualified non-public
school'. The persons providing the education are required to have
at least a high school diploma. You have to maintain an annual
record of the child's attendance and disease immunization. Every
year, the child is required to undergo a standardized test. Each
student attending the eleventh grade has to take a nationally
standardized test. These are the requirements in North Carolina,
but it is enough to give you a good idea of what homeschooling
Homeschooling may seem like a lot of fun and freedom from the
outside. However, things are seldom as simple as they seem.
Homeschooling is a lot of added responsibility and hard work. But,
if successful, it will forge a strong bond of love and respect
between parent and child, while providing your child with the best
form of education he needs.
(word count 542)
Child Pornography Can Inhibit Intelligence
This was conveyed by dr. Donald L. Hilton, Jr.., MD, FACS, neurosurgeon expert from Texas, the United States in Jakarta, Monday (2 / 3).
According to Donald, because brain damage can occur in the human brain there are hormones or a chemical substance called dopamine. This substance helps maintain the fulfillment of pleasure (pleasure) in humans, such as gaming, gambling, drug usage, as well as in sexual pleasure.
Fulfillment of desires pleased normally not cause problems for these hormones. This hormone will be in a balanced condition. However, Donald said, this hormone will become a problem when the fulfillment of this fun place is not normal or excessive.
"In people who are addicted to certain pleasures, such as addiction to pornography, these hormones will be used continuously and in the end amount to very little," explained Donald. As a result, the brain shrinks (shrinked), especially in centers of the brain that controls pleasure.
More people can not control themselves, and continue to get satisfaction repeatedly. Intensity also increased. Addiction particular pleasure may also affect the power strength of learning and memory.
"In normal brain cell electrical circuits shooting went very fast. However, in the addicted brain cell electrical circuit is running more slowly, "said Donald. In addition, brain mengerutnya also disrupt communication systems
This can be overcome by improving the damaged brain cells. There are four important factors in the healing process, among other self-motivated, secure environment, support groups, and the counselor or therapist.
In America, according to Donald, the healing process takes approximately 18 months to return to normal brain function.
source: kompas.com
Hair Salon - How to Choose a Good One
New in town or just looking for a change? Tired of the rut you are in and needing a new hairstyle? If your current stylist is in a rut, probably you are too. Time for something new!
Switching stylists within the salon can be uncomfortable. So most women go looking for a new salon. Generally this is good advice. A few salons, like Frederick William Salon in Santa Maria have a culture of suggesting the client move to another stylist within the salon if stylist #2 can better serve the needs of the client. If that's you, take a look at the recommended stylist: their own hair, the styles they are crafting for their clients, their service manner and personality. This will give you a pretty good indication of whether you will be happy or not.
If you are looking for a new salon do a drop-in visit. Sit in the reception area for a bit. From this vantage point you can evaluate:
1. Cleanliness and order: This is always an indicator in what you can expect in services.
2. Tone of interaction between stylists - positive and team-spirited or filled with competition and gossip: If you are going to invest some of your precious time and money here, you want the atmosphere to be positive and nurturing, not one that leaves you drained.
3. Evidence of mentoring - a more experienced stylist giving advice to one less experienced. This is fine assurance of quality control. Stylists in this salon are dedicated to everyone leaving satisfied, even one another's clients.
4. Manner in which the calls are received - professional and helpful or haphazard: You want to know your calls will be well handled if you decide this is your place.
5. Demeanor of the clients being served - relaxed and satisfied or in a hurry to get the process over with: Clients who have been heard and are getting the service they want are peaceful and comfortable in the salon.
6. General condition of hair on the stylists and on the clients - healthy and shiny or damaged and tired looking: You want to be certain that the care of your hair is a primary value. Looking at the heads of hair coming past you should give you a pretty good idea on this. Looking at the hair products available for sale is also a good indicator. Can you purchase a detergent free shampoo? Are there treatments for colored or damaged hair?
7. Styles given the clients - current and becoming to each woman: If everyone walks out looking the same, leave.
Assuming the salon has passed your test, look for the stylist you believe would best fit your needs. Check to see if they will give you a free consultation on what you need and want. Most good stylists are happy to do this. They want you satisfied. Based on the consultation you will probably want to give this salon, this stylist a try. So book the appointment and enjoy the adventure of a new look.
Kim Rose Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kim_Rose-Winter |
4 How to Give Confidence in Children
When you and your husband have to work, you should leave the kids at home with caregivers.However, you certainly will not always be able to control what kids do. Are caregivers affected them in terms of spectacle, whether his friends to give examples of bad behavior, or whether the children free access to the Internet without supervision. Suddenly, you realize the child had swallowed a lot of information that is not worthy of him, or keeping secrets from your children. So, it's important for you to apply the mutual trust between parent and child. By always being open to children, we can expect your child will imitate the good attitude. Instead, you were able to accept that children have their own personality. He is entitled to hang out and eat as much as possible information. The problem now is how to give confidence to children to conduct their activities, and still get along without imitating the negative things from the environment? The following tips may help. 1. Always there for him Familiarise children talked and talked about his experiences every day. Ask, what is he doing in school. Allow children to express ideas, feelings and fears openly. Listen, do not be patronizing.You always try to be there at his side when he needed. Encourage children to express feelings creatively by writing or through drawings. 2. Consistent Create a clear and consistent routines. For example, when play time, and when it is learned.Spend your time to accompany the child to learn. When it was time for bed said that he had to sleep, because if not, tomorrow can oversleep and be late for school. This will help children feel safe and secure so he can learn the obvious, what is right and wrong. So, act always consistent. 3. Not at all, remains If you say "No", make sure it's really the statement "No", and you and your spouse agree that it must be obeyed by the rules. Do not give the threat of punishment, or yelled. Children want to know what "No" from you, that really means NO. So, if you have applied the rule that should only be playing games on Saturday and Sunday, do not easily give up when the child begins to seduce to play another day. 4. It's no secret Familiarise children to never keep a secret. Tell him, keeping secrets will be feeling uncomfortable or confusing. This may be you do first, like, say, "That was Mom mad at my father, because fathers ...." Thus, children learn to understand the feelings of father and mother.Conversely, children also learn to express his feelings. source: kompas.co.id |
Convert Your Dream Home Into a Reality
Home building is an exciting process that involves a lot of planning and efforts. After all, you are going to build a home you have always dreamed of owning one day. Each individual is different when it comes to house plans and designing. This is where custom home building comes into the picture. If you are planning to build your dream home on your lot in Indianapolis, you may seek the guidance and service of professional home builders.
There are many renowned home builders in Indianapolis offering their expert services to help you convert your dream home into reality. To avail their services, you only need to own a lot in Indianapolis, as they build homes on land you own.
Before you choose a house plan or decide the floor plan for your house, it is important to prepare your lot for home building. This usually includes making provision for electricity, water supply, septic, and construction driveway. However, you need not have to worry too much. Most leading home builders in Indianapolis offer an outside work package that covers much of the work needed for lot preparation at a small additional cost. In case you do not choose to go for the package, you could still seek their help and guidance to manage things on your own.
Next important step is choosing the right floor plan on the basis of your requirements. You could choose from several flexible designs and house plans, including country house plans, cottage house plans, log home plans, ranch house plans, one story house plans, luxury home plans, small home plans, and many more. You also get plans with 3-4 bedrooms and 2-3-5 bathrooms.
The professional home builders in Indianapolis understand how important building and owning a home is for you. It is not everyday that you build your dream house. This is the reason why they customize their house plans just for you. They will not only help you in choosing the plan that best suits your building site, but also modify the plan or design one from scratch. They usually offer a variety of square footage options when it comes to space. Their onsite design experts give you the plan you want for your dream home. It is advisable to review all available floor plans thoroughly because you need to find the configuration that exactly fits your family's lifestyle.
Several leading home builders in Indianapolis offer easy financing options to their clients. They provide different financing arrangements to make the process of securing a loan for your dream home easier for you. It may include fast and easy loan application process, same day loan approval, below market interest rates, and so on. So, lack of finance can never be a hindrance on your way to building your dream house.
Once you have chosen the floor plan and also arranged for the finance, you are in a position to sign the agreement and other contract papers. You also need to obtain all necessary permits and arrange for builder's risk insurance. Here also, you may rely on your professional home builders in Indianapolis. Once you fill out the permit application, their representatives will follow up with the permit departments and pick up the permits for free.
With all necessary permits in your hand, you may now give a green signal to the home builders to start with the construction process.
Its always best to know the most you can before starting a project like this. Home Builders Indianapolis
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shoked_Mohol
Global Warming
By: AsianBrain.com Content Team
Global warming or global warming is the process of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere, ocean, and the Earth's land.
Global average temperature at Earth's surface has increased by 0.74 ° C ± 0:18 (1:33 ± 0:32 ° F) during the last hundred years.
Increasing global temperatures are expected to lead to other changes such as rising sea levels, increased intensity of extreme weather phenomena, as well as changes in the number and pattern of precipitation.
Consequences of global warming are another character of agricultural output, loss of glaciers, and the extinction of various animal species.
Here are tips for Reducing Global Warming to save our earth:
- Reduce consumption of meat.
- Eat and cook from fresh ingredients.
- Buy local products
- Recycled aluminum, plastic, and paper.
- Buy in large containers.
- Turn off your oven a few minutes before time.
- Avoid fast food.
- Bring a bag that can be reused.
- Use washable cups.
- Shop in your neighborhood. Will greatly save transportation cost and your fuel, and certainly reduce global warming.
- Planting trees every opportunity.
- Lower the temperature of your air conditioner.
- Use a timer to avoid forgot to turn off the AC.
- Use solar water heaters.
- Turn off unused lights and do not leave water dripping.
- Use energy-saving lamps. Although more expensive, they average eight times more powerful and more efficient up to 80% of normal incandescent lamps, and reduce global warming.
- Maximize natural lighting.
- Avoid stand-by position on your electronic!
- Use lights that have plugs on-off button it. Or unplug the power cord.
- When recharging your battery is full, immediately unplug!
- Reduce time in opening your freezer.
- Do not buy cut flowers.
- Cut food in smaller sizes.
- Use cold water to wash and rinse in large quantities.
- Use eco-friendly detergent and cleaners.
- Use the back of your home furnishings.
- Donate a toy that is not appropriate for your child's age.
- If using a deodorant or other spray products, do not use aerosols, which spurred the occurrence of global warming.
- Avoid plastic wrap or stereofoam media (Derived from petroleum and difficult to be degraded).
- Use less paper. Turn off your office equipment. Turn off from the source.Do not be on stand by, turn off the UPS and transformers.
- Use e-banking. Maximizing the use of e-banking will save much time and costs.
- For industry, begin to use renewable energy sources (wind, hydro, solar, etc.).
- Take a vacation in the country and use ground transportation!
- Reduce your business trip.
Still there are many ways to reduce the occurrence of global warming. You can also contribute in it by doing the little things, starting with yourself and your family.
Treatment and Educational Strategies For School Refusal Behavior in Special Education!
Successful treatment in this area depends on why the child is experiencing this difficulty. Could be due to many reasons but I will discuss a few:
1. Inappropriate treatment by special education personnel. This could be due to the staffs attitudes or perceived negative behavior of your child. This occurs quite often when school personnel do not receive the proper training, in how to positively deal with negative behavior.
2. Inappropriate amount and type of special education services to help your child make progress in their education. When children are not being taught they tend to either develop negative behavior, anxiety, or depression, which could be contributing to school refusal behavior.
3. Anxiety or depression could be a reason that your child is having this difficulty; though it would be important to figure out why your child has developed these. Was their a particular incident that occurred at school that affected your child? Were they restrained or secluded by special education staff? These are just a few possibilities that you can consider.
4. Difficulty with other children due to your child's difficulty with social skills and social cues.
Below are several things that you should consider that may help your child;
1. Consider a few observations over a several day period at different times of the day. See how your child interacts with school staff, and how they interact with other children. Notice any particular problems-make an appointment to discuss these issues with school personnel. If your child's teacher cannot deal with your child's behavior ask for specific training in the area of Positive Behavioral Supports (PBS).
2. Talk to other students or parents that are in the building and see if they have noticed any difficulty. I find this to be a wonderful way to truly find the truth about what is going on in your child's school!
3. Check and make sure that your child is learning by asking for progress monitoring, check your child's district and state standardized testing, and look at your state standards for the grade your child is in. If your child is not making appropriate progress they may be developing anxiety which can contribute to this disorder.
4. Check your child's IEP and make sure that staff is following the IEP and that your child is receiving all the services that are listed. I have heard from many parents who just assumed that their child was getting the services until something happened, and they found out their child was not getting the special education services listed on their IEP.
5. Ask for psychological counseling with a trained psychologist, if your child needs it. If your school does not have a trained psychologist who can do counseling, the school district is required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to pay for an outside person, if your child needs it! You will probably have to fight for an outside person, but your child is worth it!
6. If all of these strategies do not work consider taking your child to a trained Psychiatrist to see if your child could benefit from medication to help them. Also they could recommend a trained psychologist that could provide counseling for your child. The school needs to pay for this though, since it is related to educational difficulties.
7. Your child may need another teacher or a different placement that can meet their educational and emotional needs.
By trying all of these strategies you will well be on your way to helping your child with their school refusal behavior!
JoAnn Collins is the mother of two adults with disabilities, and has helped families navigate the special education system, as an advocate, for over 15 years. She is a presenter and author of the book "Disability Deception; Lies Disability Educators Tell and How Parents Can Beat Them at Their Own Game." The book has a lot of resources and information to help parents fight for an appropriate education for their child. For a free E newsletter entitled "The Special Education Spotlight" send an E mail to: JoAnn@disabilitydeception.com. For more information on the book, testimonials about the book, and a link to more articles go to: http://www.disabilitydeception.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JoAnn_Collins